japanese english





1 総則




2 本サービス

⑴ 本サービスは、当社スタッフを会員の自宅に派遣して家事全般(掃除、洗濯、炊事等)の代行作業およびそれに付随する作業を提供するものです。

⑵ 当社は会員の顧客満足のために努力を行いますが、直ちに完璧な作業内容をお約束するものではありません。

⑶ 会員は、本サービスの提供を受けるにあたり、当社スタッフが自宅内設備・備品(電気、ガス、水道、掃除道具、洗濯道具、調理道具、食料、エアコン等)を無償で使用することを許諾するものとします。

⑷ 以下の作業は本サービスに含まれません。

① 身体の危険を伴う作業


② 車両の運転(自転車、他の軽車両の運転を含む)

③ 介護及び医療行為(投薬含む)

④ ハウスクリーニングの範囲の専門的な清掃


⑤ シッター業務(ベビーシッター、キッズシッター)

⑥ 大きな責任の伴う業務(現金の運搬等)

⑦ 不用品の回収ゴミの持ち帰り

⑧ マッサージ等の身体に触れる行為

⑨ 専門的な庭の清掃や手入れ


⑩ 便器外の人間の排泄物、ペットケージ外のペットの排泄物等の汚物の処理及び清掃

⑪ 当社がスタッフに対して研修していない作業


⑹ 当社は、本サービスの提供にあたり、スタッフ指導やコーディネートのために、スタッフの他に当社社員を会員の自宅に同行させることがあります。

⑺ ペットにつきましては、清掃作業中は、ケージにいれるか、もしくは作業外の部屋へ移動していただきます。ご対応ができない場合はスタッフが入室できず清掃ができない場合があります。また、ペットの排泄による部屋の汚損やペットによる家財の損傷等に関しては、当社は一切責任を負いかねます。なお、ペットによりスタッフその他当社の従業員が被害を被った場合には、会員は、当社及び従業員が被った損害を賠償するものとします。


3 サービス料金

⑴ 本サービスの料金(以下「サービス料金」といいます)は、以下のとおりです。

① 基本料金

















② 申込時の必要情報






⑵ 港区産前産後家事・育児支援サービスご利用方法は以下の通りです。

① スポット利用



② 定期利用





⑶ ピナイ家事代行サービスでの助成金を使わない定期利用への継続について

① 定期利用中に港区産前産後家事・育児支援サービスの利用時間が終わった場合



② 定期利用をそのままご継続される場合




4 サービス料金のお支払期限

⑴ 会員は本契約で指定された支払日までにサービス料金を支払います。

⑵ 会員が本契約で指定された支払日までにサービス料を支払わなかった場合、会員は、当社に対し、未払のサービス料のほかに年10%の遅延損害金を支払うものとします。


5 キャンセル等

⑴ 会員は、本サービスの作業予定日の変更またはキャンセルを希望する場合は、当社に対し、作業予定日の前々日(日曜日及び年末年始休業期間を除いて算定します。以下同じ。)の17時までに、電話にて連絡をするものとします。これにより会員が本サービスをキャンセルした場合、当社はサービス料金を会員に返金します。ただし、返金に要する費用(クレジットカード利用手数料を含みます。)は会員の負担とします。

⑵ 会員は、作業予定日の前々日の17時以降も、当社に通知することで本サービスをキャンセルすることができますが、その場合、当社は規定のキャンセル料金を頂きます。

⑶ 会員が作業日当日に自宅を留守にしていた等、会員の責に帰すべき事由により、作業開始予定時刻から30分経過しても作業が開始できなかった場合、本サービスはキャンセルされたものとみなします。この場合、当社はサービス料金を返金いたしません。

⑷ 当社は、2条⑷に定めるお引き受けできない作業等を含め当社または当社スタッフが問題あると判断した場合、作業日当日のお伺い後においても本サービスの提供をキャンセルさせていただく場合があります。この場合、当社は本サービスの提供の有無に関わらずサービス料金を返金いたしません。

⑸ 当社が当社都合(スタッフの欠勤等)により本サービスを提供しなかった場合、サービス料金は返金いたします。

⑹ 地震、火災、台風、疫病、交通機関の混乱等の当社の責に帰すべからざる事由により当社が本サービスを提供しない場合があります。


6 免責



7 損害賠償額の予定

⑴ 本サービスの提供に関し、当社またはスタッフの責に帰すべき事由(ただし、当社の故意または重過失による場合は除きます)により会員に損害が生じたときは、当社が加入している損害賠償保険の範囲内で、会員の損害を賠償するものとします。


⑵ 事故発生から3日以内に連絡がなかった場合はご対応できないことも想定されるため




8 利用制限




9 当社への通知

⑴ 会員は、当社スタッフの勤務態度及びサービス内容に疑義があるときは直ちに当社へ通知するものとします。

⑵ 会員が住所又は電話番号を変更、若しくは会員の勤務先に変更等が生じたときは直ちに当社へ通知するものとします。


10 解除


① 公序良俗に反する行為、法律、法令等に違反する行為を行ったとき

② 差押え、仮差押え、仮処分、強制執行または競売の申立てを受けたとき

③ 公租公課の滞納処分を受けたとき

④ 支払停止または支払不能の状態に陥ったとき

⑤ 破産手続その他の倒産手続がなされたとき

⑥ 資産、信用または支払能力等に重要な変更が生じたとき

⑦ 当社の名誉または信用を失墜させ、もしくは当社に重大な損害を与えたとき

⑧ 本契約に定める債務を履行しなかったとき

⑨ 本契約に違反したとき

⑩ 本サービスに含まれない作業を要求し、または事実上要求したと同視できる行為をしたとき

⑪ 前各号に定めるほか本契約の履行を困難にする事由が生じたとき


11 中途解約・サービスの休止

⑴ 定期契約の会員は、解約予定月の前月末日(日曜、年末年始休業期間を除く)までに申し出ることで契約期間中いつでも本サービスを解約することができ、会員が当社に対し解約を通知した日の翌月末日をもって本契約は終了いたします(クーリングオフ期間は除く)。

例 1月16日に解約を通知した場合 2月28日をもって契約終了になります。

⑵ 会員は、休止予定月の前々月末日(日曜、年末年始休業期間を除く)までに申し出ることで契約期間中いつでも本サービスを長期休止(1ヶ月以上の休止)できます。会員が当社に長期休止を通知した月の翌々月1日から休止いたします。

例 1月16日に長期休止を通知 → 3月1日から長期休止となります。

⑶ 第1項及び第2項の定めにかかわらず、会員は、解約・休止の通知とともに通知した月の翌月末日までのサービス料金を原則全額お支払いいただくことで、本契約を即時解約・休止させることができます。

⑷ 長期休止(1ヶ月以上の休止)の場合、基本料金はかかりません。ただし原則としてスタッフは変更されます。なお休止期間中を通して基本料金をお支払いいただく場合は、スタッフ変更をしないように手配いたします。


12 禁止行為


① 当社スタッフに対するセクシャルハラスメント

② 当社スタッフに対するパワーハラスメント

③ 当社スタッフに対する差別的言動

④ 当社スタッフに対し、本サービスに含まれない業務の提供を依頼すること

⑤ 当社スタッフに対し、その連絡先(住所、電話番号等)を聞くこと

⑥ 当社スタッフに対し、本サービスの謝礼として現金、品物等を贈答すること


13 直接取引の禁止

⑴ 会員(同居の家族を含みます)は、本契約期間中及び本契約終了後2年間、当社スタッフ、当社スタッフであった者及び当社スタッフが就業(雇用契約による就業、業務委託契約による就業のほか、その他の形態の契約による就業を含みます)する会社、法人、その他の団体との間で、本サービスと類似するサービスを利用する契約を締結してはならないものとします。

⑵ 会員(同居の家族を含みます)が前項に違反した場合、会員は、当社に対し、違約罰として金50万円を支払うほか、当社に生じた損害を賠償しなければなりません。


14 引き抜き行為の禁止

⑴ 会員は、自己または第三者が本サービスと類似するサービスを提供するため、当社スタッフに対し、自己または第三者での就業を勧める行為(以下「引き抜き行為」といいます)を禁止します。

⑵ 会員が前項に違反した場合、会員は当社に対し違約金として金100万円を支払わなければなりません。


15 秘密保持義務

⑴ 会員は、当社の顧客情報、営業情報、その他の機密情報を、第三者に開示してはならず、また、本サービスの提供を受ける以外の目的で使用してはなりません。

⑵ 会員が、自己または第三者の営業目的で、当社の顧客情報、営業情報、その他の機密情報を使用し、または、第三者に開示した場合、会員は当社に対し違約金として金100万円を支払わなければなりません。


16 個人情報の取扱い



17 反社会的勢力の排除

⑴ 会員は、自己(会員が法人の場合は、代表者、役員、従業員、株主、及び実質的に経営を支配する者含む)が暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団準構成員、暴力団員でなくなったときから5年を経過しない者、暴力団関係企業、総会屋、政治活動・宗教活動社会運動標ぼうゴロ、特殊知能暴力集団等の反社会的勢力(以下「反社会的勢力」といいます)に該当しないことを表明し、かつ将来にわたっても該当しないことを保証します。

⑵ 当社が反社会的勢力に該当するか否かを判定する為に調査を要すると判断した場合、会員は当社の求めに応じてその調査に協力し、当社が必要と判断する資料を提出しなければなりません。

⑶ 当社は、会員が反社会的勢力に属すると判明した場合、催告その他の手続を要することなく、本契約を即時解除することができます。

⑷ 当社が前項の規定により本契約を解除した場合、これによる会員の損害を賠償する責を負いません。

⑸ 当社が第3項の規定により本契約を解除した場合、当社から会員に対する損害賠償請求を妨げません。


18 本規約の改定

当社は、法令の変更、社会情勢の変動、その他当社が必要と判断したときに、本規約を改定することができます。本規約を改定した場合、当社は会員に対して本規約改定を通知いたします。会員が本規約改定の通知を受けた後に本サービスの提供 を受けたとき、または、当社がその都度定める期日までに異議を申し出ないときは、  会員は本規約改定を承諾したものとみなします。


19 協議事項



20 管轄裁判所









Pinay Housekeeping Service Terms of Use
 (Minato-ku Prenatal and Postnatal Housework and Childcare Support Service)

1 General Rules

These terms of use set forth the matters to be observed by members (the “Member,” or sometimes “you,” or your”) who use the Pinay Housekeeping Service (“the Service”) provided by Pinay International Co., Ltd. (“the Company,” “we” or “our”) and the relationship between Members and the Company.

These terms of use apply to the service agreement between the Member and the Company (the “Agreement”).


2 The Service

(1) The Service provides general housework (cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc.) and related tasks by dispatching our staff to the Member’s home.

(2) The Company will make every effort to ensure customer satisfaction of the Member, but does not promise immediate and flawless work.

(3) In order to receive the Service, the Member agrees to grant the Company’s staff free use of facilities and equipment (electricity, gas, water, utensils and equipment for cleaning, laundry, and cooking, food, air conditioning, etc.) in the Member’s home.

(4) The following tasks are not included in the Service.

(i) Work involving physical hazards

(e.g.) Work at a height higher than 3 stepladders, carrying heavy objects, using strong detergent at a height higher than eye level, climbing one’s foot on the brim of the bathtub, etc.

(ii) Driving (including bicycles and other light vehicles)

(iii) Nursing care and medical treatment (including medication)

(iv) Professional cleaning within the scope of house cleaning

(e.g.) Air conditioner cleaning, ventilation fan cleaning, cleaning of bathroom ceilings using detergent, etc.

(v) Babysitting services (baby-sitting, kids-sitting)

(vi) Work involving great responsibility (e.g., carrying cash)

(vii) Carrying away waste for collection

(viii) Such acts of touching the body as massage

(ix) Professional garden cleanup and maintenance

(e.g.) Replanting flowers, pruning garden trees, cleaning ponds, etc.

(x) Disposal and cleaning of human excrement outside latrines, pet excrement outside pet cages, and other waste

(xi) Work for which the Company does not provide training to its staff

(e.g.) sewing, shoe washing, kimono ironing, professional packing for moving, car washing

(6) In providing the Service, the Company may have Company employees accompany our staff to the Member’s home for staff guidance and coordination.

(7) Pets must be caged or moved to a room outside of the work area during the cleaning process. If you fail to comply, our staff may not be able to enter the room and cleaning may not be performed. We will not be responsible for any stains in the room caused by pet waste or damage to household goods caused by pets. In the event that our staff or other employee of the Company suffers damage due to a pet, the Member shall compensate the Company and its staff/employees for any loss or damage incurred.


3 Service Charges

(1) The fee for the Service (“Service Fee”) is as follows

(i) Basic Fee

Household support details

2 hours

3 hours

4 hours

Cancellation fee

single-birth family

1,500 yen

2,250 yen

3,000 yen

2,475 yen✕ scheduled hours

multiple births family

1,000 yen

1,500 yen

2,000 yen

2,475 yen✕ scheduled hours


(ii) Information Required upon Application

・When you apply for the Service, we will ask you for the “registration number” that is given at registration of Minato-ku, and “date of birth” of your child. The date of birth is related to the expiration date of the Service.

*Please note that the registration number has to be re-registered at Minato-ku depending on the age of the child for whom the Service is intended.

*We will provide the Service on Saturdays and national holidays except for the year-end and New Year holidays. We are closed on Sundays.

*In principle, you must be present at the time you use the Service.


(2) Please follow the instructions below to use the Minato-ku Prenatal and Postnatal Housework and Childcare Support Service.

(i) Spot Use

・Payment for each application must be made by credit card. The visit will be conducted after payment is made. In principle, please apply at least 2 business days prior to the desired date of use.

・For multiple applications at once, please follow the procedure described in “(ii) Subscription” below.

(ii) Subscription

・If we regularly visit you at the same time every week, the fee will be the same as above each time we visit you if the subsidy is available to you. The closing date for billing is the last day of the month in which the work is performed. In principle, we will bill you by the 5th business day of the following month.

・Payment shall be made by credit card. Please register your credit card information prior to the invoice date.

*In principle, you are requested to purchase necessary equipment.


(3) If you wish to continue Pinay Housekeeping Service to subscription without subsidy

(i) When the time for using the Minato-ku Prenatal and Postnatal Housework and Childcare Support Service expires during subscription

・During the period when the subsidy is not available, you will be charged the regular fee based on the number of times you use the Service.

・If you continue with a regular subscription contract without subsidy, you will be able to use a variety of additional services, such as absence assistance, visits to other properties (in Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture), and key storage service.

(ii) If you wish to continue your subscription as is

・The final month of the month in which the subsidy was used (the month in which the contract for continued regular subscription begins) is the sum of the subsidy (which is paid later and closes on the closing date) and the advance payment for regular work. It is usually the sum of the amount of work done in the month before the contract switchover and the basic fee for the month of continued use.

*Please refer to the attached terms and conditions for details on recurring subscription contracts.


4 Payment due for Service Fees

(1) The Member pays the Service Fee by the due date specified in the Agreement.

(2) If the Member fails to pay the Service Fee by the due date specified in the Agreement, the Member shall pay to the Company a late penalty fee of 10% per annum in addition to the unpaid Service Fee.


5 Cancellation, etc.

(1) If the Member wishes to change or cancel the scheduled work date for the Service, the Member shall notify the Company by 17:00 two days prior to the scheduled work date (calculated excluding Sundays and the year-end and New Year holiday period. The same shall apply hereinafter). If the Member cancels the Service following the foregoing manner, the Company will refund the Service Fee to the Member. However, the Member shall bear the cost of the refund (including credit card charges).

(2) The Member may cancel the Service after 17:00 two days prior to the scheduled work date by notifying the Company, in which case the Company will charge the Member the stipulated cancellation fee.

(3) If the work cannot be started 30 minutes after the scheduled start time due to reasons attributable to the Member, such as the Member being away from home on the day of the work, the Service will be deemed cancelled. In this case, the Company will not refund the Service Fee.

(4) The Company may cancel the provision of the Services even after the visit on the day of the work if the Company or its staff determines that there is a problem, including work being demanded that the Company cannot undertake as stipulated in Article 2 (4). In such a case, the Company will not refund the Service Fee regardless of whether or not the Service is provided.

(5) If we do not provide the Service for our own reasons (e.g., staff absence), the Service Fee will be refunded.

(6) The Company may not provide the Service due to reasons beyond the Company’s control, such as earthquake, fire, typhoon, epidemic, transportation disruption, etc.


6 Disclaimer

You shall not leave valuables (cash, money certificates, bankbooks, gift certificates, cash cards, health insurance cards, driver’s licenses, passports, precious metals, receipts, seals, securities, etc.) in your rooms during the provision of the Service, and shall be responsible for managing them in a locked storage area. The Company shall not be held liable for any loss of valuables, except in cases of intentional or negligent acts of the Company.


7 Liquidated Damages

(1) If a Member suffers damage due to reasons attributable to the Company or its staff in connection with the provision of the Service (except in the case of intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company), the Company shall compensate the Member for the damage within the limits of the indemnity insurance the Company has in place.


(2) If you do not contact us within 3 days of the accident, we may not be able to respond to your request. You must notify the Company of the accident within three (3) days of its occurrence.


8 Restrictions of Use

If a Member or a Member’s family member develops an infectious disease, the Member shall notify the Company in advance. In such cases, the Company may refuse to provide the Service at its discretion.

*In principle, the Service is provided when the client is resting in a separate room from the work area.


9 Notification to the Company

(1) The Member shall immediately notify the Company if he or she has any doubts about the working attitude of our staff or the Services they provide.

(2) If a Member changes his or her address or telephone number, or if there is a change in the Member’s place of employment, the Member must notify the Company immediately.


10 Termination by the Company

If any of the following events occurs, the Company may immediately terminate the Agreement without notice. In this case, the benefit of time is forfeited for all obligations owed to the Company and the Member must immediately fulfill all obligations.

(i) When the Member commits an act that offends public order and morals, or violates laws, regulations, or ordinances, etc.;

(ii) When a petition for seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution or auction has been filed against the Member;

(iii) When the Member is subject to coercive collection of public taxes and dues in arrears;

(iv) When the Member is unable to meet payment obligations, or the Member becomes insolvent;

(v) When bankruptcy or other insolvency proceedings are instituted against the Member;

(vi) When there is a material change in the Member’s assets, credit, or solvency.

(vii) When the Member damages the Company’s reputation or credibility or the Member inflicted serious damage on the Company;

(viii) Failure to perform any of obligations stipulated in the Agreement;

(ix) When any of the provisions under the Agreement is violated;

(x) When the Member demands work that is not included in the Services, or commits an act that could be construed as a de facto demand for such work; or

(xi) In addition to the preceding items, any event has occurred that makes the performance of the Agreement difficult.


11 Cancellation before Maturity of Term, or Suspension of Service

(1) A Member of a subscription contract may terminate the Agreement at any time during the term of the Agreement by submitting a notice by the last day of the month prior to the month in which the Member wishes to terminate (excluding Sundays and year-end and New Year holidays), and the Agreement will terminate on the last day of the month following the date the Member notifies the Company of termination (excluding cooling-off period).

Example: If you give notice of termination on January 16, the Agreement will end on February 28.

(2) A Member may suspend the Service for a long-term (more than one month) at any time during the term of the Agreement by submitting a request by the last day of the month two months prior to the planned suspension (excluding Sundays and year-end and New Year holidays). The Service will be suspended on and after the first day of the second month following the month in which the Member notifies the Company of the long-term suspension.

Example: If you give notice of long-term suspension on January 16 → Long-term suspension begins on and after March 1.

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 2, the Member may immediately terminate or suspend this Agreement, together with the notice of termination or suspension, by paying in principle the full amount of the Service Fee up to the last day of the month following the month in which notice of termination or suspension is given.

(4) In case of long-term suspension (more than one month), no basic fee is charged. However, in principle, the staff will be changed. If you pay the basic fee throughout the period of suspension, we will make arrangements not to change staff.


12 Prohibited Acts

Members shall not engage in any of the following acts:

(i) Sexual harassment against our staff;

(ii) Power harassment against our staff;

(iii) Discriminatory words or actions toward our staff;

(iv) Requesting our staff to provide services that are not included in the Service;

(v) Asking our staff for their contact information (address, telephone number, etc.)

(vi) Giving gifts of cash, goods, etc. to our staff as rewards for the Service.


13 No Direct Dealings

(1) Members (including family members living with you) shall not, during the term of the Agreement and for two years after the termination of the Agreement, enter into any agreement to use services similar to the Service with any of the Company’s staff or its former staff, or with any company, corporation or other organization in which any of the Company’s staff works (including work under an employment contract, work under an outsourcing contract or any other form of contract).

(2) If a Member (including a family member living with the Member) violates the preceding paragraph, the Member must pay the Company five hundred thousand (500,000) yen as a penalty and compensate the Company for any damages incurred.


14 No Soliciting

(1) The Member is prohibited from soliciting to the Company’s staff working for him/her or a third party for providing services similar to the Service.

(2) If the Member violates the preceding paragraph, the Member must pay a penalty of one million (1,000,000) yen to the Company.


15 Confidentiality Obligation

(1) Members shall not disclose to any third party any customer information, business information, or other confidential information of the Company, nor shall they use such information for any purpose other than to receive the Service.

(2) If a Member uses or discloses to a third party customer information, business information, or other confidential information of the Company for his/her own or a third party’s business purposes, the Member must pay a penalty of one million (1,000,000) yen to the Company.


16 Handling of Personal Information

The Company will properly handle the personal information of Members in its possession in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law, its regulations, and the Company’s Privacy Policy. The Company’s privacy policy is as follows:


17 Exclusion of Antisocial Forces

(1) The Member represents and warrants that he/she (or, if the Member is a corporation, its representatives, officers, employees, shareholders, and those who substantially control its management) does not and will not in the future fall under any of the following categories: organized crime groups, organized crime group members, quasi-organized crime group members, persons for whom 5 years have not passed after they quit being organized crime group members, organized crime group-related companies, general assemblymen (or “sokaiya”), political, illegal groups in the guise of religious, or social activities, and special intelligence and violent groups (“Anti-Social Forces”).

(2) If the Company determines that an investigation is necessary to determine whether or not a Member is an Anti-Social Forces, the Member must cooperate upon request with the Company’s investigation and submit any materials the Company deems necessary.

(3) If a Member is found to be an Anti-Social Forces, the Company may immediately terminate the Agreement without notice or other procedures.

(4) If the Company terminates the Agreement in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Company shall not be held liable for any loss or damage incurred by the Member as a result of such termination.

(5) If the Company terminates the Agreement in accordance with Paragraph 3, this does not preclude the Company from claiming damages from the Member.


18 Amendments of these Terms of Use

The Company may amend these terms of use when it deems necessary, such as when laws and regulations are changed, social conditions change, or when the Company deems it necessary to do so. If the Company amend these terms of use, it will notify Members of the amended terms of use. If a Member receives the Service after being notified of an amendment to the terms of use, or if a Member does not raise an objection by a date set forth by the Company, the Member is deemed to have accepted the amended terms of use.


19 Consultation

Any matters not stipulated in the terms of use and any questions arising out of the provisions of the terms of use shall be settled upon consultation between the Member and the Company.


20 Jurisdiction

Any dispute concerning the Agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court, depending on the amount of the subject matter.


Amendment date: May 1, 2024










受付時間 9:00〜18:00(土日祝日・年末年始を除く)
