1 総則
2 本サービス
⑴ 本サービスは、当社スタッフを会員の自宅に派遣して家事全般(掃除、洗濯、炊事等)の代行作業およびそれに付随する作業を提供するものです。
⑵ 当社は会員の顧客満足のために努力を行いますが、直ちに完璧な作業内容をお約束するものではありません。
⑶ 会員は、本サービスの提供を受けるにあたり、当社スタッフが自宅内設備・備品(電気、ガス、水道、掃除道具、洗濯道具、調理道具、食料、エアコン等)を無償で使用することを許諾するものとします。
⑷ 会員が、本サービスの提供を受けるにあたっては家屋の鍵をお預かりする場合がございます(お預かり費用が別途かかります)。その際には鍵を2つお預かりさせていただき、預かり証を発行いたします。
⑸ 以下の作業は本サービスに含まれません。
① 身体の危険を伴う作業
② 車両の運転(自転車、他の軽車両の運転を含む)
③ 介護及び医療行為(投薬含む)
④ ハウスクリーニングの範囲の専門的な清掃
⑤ シッター業務(ベビーシッター、キッズシッター)
⑥ 大きな責任の伴う業務(現金の運搬等)
⑦ 不用品の回収ゴミの持ち帰り
⑧ マッサージ等の身体に触れる行為
⑨ 専門的な庭の清掃や手入れ
⑩ 便器外の人間の排泄物、ペットケージ外のペットの排泄物等の汚物の処理及び清掃
⑪ 当社がスタッフに対して研修していない作業
⑹ 当社は、本サービスの提供にあたり、スタッフ指導やコーディネートのために、スタッフの他に当社社員を会員の自宅に同行させることがあります。
⑺ ペットにつきましては、清掃作業中は、ケージにいれるか、もしくは作業外の部屋へ移動していただきます。ご対応ができない場合はスタッフが入室できず清掃ができない場合があります。また、ペットの排泄による部屋の汚損やペットによる家財の損傷等に関しては、当社は一切責任を負いかねます。なお、ペットによりスタッフその他当社の従業員が被害を被った場合には、会員は、当社及び従業員が被った損害を賠償するものとします。
3 サービス料金
⑴ 本サービスの料金(以下「サービス料金」といいます)は、以下のとおりです。
① 基本料金
作業頻度 |
時間単価(円) |
月額(1日3hの場合) |
1回あたり |
週1回 |
4,070 |
56,760 |
13,200 |
週2回 |
4,070 |
113,520 |
13,200 |
週3回 |
4,070 |
170,280 |
13,200 |
週4回 |
4,070 |
216,480 |
13,200 |
週5回 |
4,070 |
270,600 |
13,200 |
週6回 |
ご相談ください |
スポット1回 |
4,950 |
− |
15,840 |
※ 基本料金は週1回〜週3回は4.3週/月(年間52週)、週4回以上では4.1週/月(年間49週)として計算することで費用を平準化します。
※ 上記の月額・1回あたりの金額は消費税10%(2019年10月1日)の試算額です。税率変更にともなって変更されます。
※ 年末年始を除く土曜・祝日も作業いたします。日曜は定休日です。
② 交通費
③ 時間外料金(午後8時から翌日午前9時)
④ 土曜加算料金
⑤ 延長料金
⑥ 備品購入代行費
⑵ サービス料金の請求時期は以下の通りです。
① 契約時に月額固定の基本料金を算出し、原則的に作業実施日の前月の請求となります(契約締結が月末の場合は翌月第5営業日までに請求いたします)。
② 初回請求は契約締結月に作業した金額と翌月の基本料金を合算したものです。
③ 前項③から⑥の追加料金は原則、追加が発生した月の翌月末決済分に合算して請求いたします。
⑶ 会員は本契約で指定された支払日までにサービス料金を支払います。
⑷ 会員が本契約で指定された支払日までにサービス料金を支払わなかった場合、当社は、サービス料金が支払われた日、または、次号により本契約が終了した日の前日まで、本サービスを休止します。なお、本サービス休止中もサービス料金は発生するものとし、本サービスが休止されてもサービス料金が減額されることはありません。サービス料金の支払いが確認できた場合、当社は、本サービスの提供を再開しますが、スタッフおよびスケジュールが変更となる場合があります。
⑸ 会員が本契約で指定された支払日から1ヶ月を経過してもサービス料金を支払わなかった場合、本契約は自動的に終了いたします。
⑹ サービス料金の支払方法は、原則としてクレジットカード決済とし、会員は本サービス開始時までにクレジットカード登録をするものとします。当社は、クレジットカード登録の確認がとれるまで、本サービスの提供を開始いたしません。
⑺ 前項の定めにかかわらず、当社が承認した場合には、会員は、口座振替または銀行振込(振込手数料は会員負担となります。)の方法によりサービス料金を支払うことができます 。
⑻ 本契約で定められた決済方法が口座振替の場合で口座振替ができなかったときは、会員は、支払日から3営業日以内に当社指定の銀行口座に振り込む方法によりサービス料金を支払うものとします。
⑼ 会員が本契約で指定された支払日までにサービス料を支払わなかった場合、会員は、当社に対し、未払のサービス料のほかに年10%の遅延損害金を支払うものとします。
⑽ 契約期間中であっても、当社は、法令の改廃、経済情勢の変動、租税公課の増減等により、合理的な範囲内でサービス料金を改定することができます。サービス料金を改定する場合、当社は、当社ホームページ等を通じて、会員に対し、予め、改定後のサービス料金及び改定時期を周知するものとします。
4 キャンセル等
⑴ 会員は、本サービスのキャンセルを希望する場合は、当社に対し、作業予定日の前々日(日曜、年末年始休業期間を除く)17時までにその旨通知するものとします。この場合、月額固定費は減額されませんが、会員は、次項に定める振替利用の権利を付与されます。
⑵ 作業予定日の前々日(日曜、年末年始休業期間を除く)17時を経過した後に会員都合により本サービスをキャンセルした場合、月額固定費は減額されず、また、会員は次項に定める振替利用の権利は付与されません。
⑶ 会員が作業日当日に自宅を留守にしていた等の理由で30分経過しても作業が開始できなかった場合、前号と同様の取扱いとします。
⑷ 当社が当社都合(スタッフの欠勤等)により本サービスを提供しなかった場合、作業不能時間分のサービス料金(作業不能時間数×時間単価)は発生しません。この場合、当社は、会員に対して、月額固定費から作業不能時間分のサービス料金を差し引いて請求いたします。差額は原則翌月末決済分から差し引きます。会員は次項に定める振替利用の権利は付与されません。
⑸ 地震、火災、台風、疫病、交通機関の混乱等の当社の責に帰すべからざる事由により当社が本サービスを提供しなかった場合、月額固定費は減額されませんが、会員は、次項に定める振替利用の権利を付与されます。
5 振替利用の権利
⑴ 前章第1項及び第5項の場合、当社は、会員に対し、振替利用の権利として、当社が本サービスを提供しなかった時間と同じ時間について、他の日時に本サービスを振替利用する権利を付与します。ただし振替利用では、原則担当スタッフとは異なるスタッフが作業いたします。
⑵ 会員は、当社との間で本サービスを振替利用する日程を調整したうえで、振替利用の権利を行使するものといたします。なお休止期間中に振替利用の権利は行使できません。
⑶ 振替利用の権利の有効期間は、権利が付与された月を含んで6ヶ月です。
例:1月10日にキャンセル → 6月30日までが有効期間
1月25日にキャンセル → 6月30日までが有効期間
⑷ 有効期間中に振替利用する日程を調整できなかった場合、振替利用の権利は失効します。振替利用の権利が失効しても、当社は、会員に対し、何らの補償もいたしません。
⑸ 振替利用の権利は週4回以上の会員には付与されません。
⑹ 土曜日に振替権利を利用する場合、3 ⑴ ④に記載の土曜加算料金(時間あたり一律330円)が発生します。
6 貴重品の取り扱い
7 損害賠償額の予定
8 利用制限
9 サービス内容の変更
10 契約期間
⑴ 本契約の期間は、契約締結日から1年間とします。
⑵ 期間満了1ヶ月前までに会員及び当社のいずれかから書面による別段の意思表示がない場合は、本契約は自動的に1年間延長されるものとし、その後も同様とします。但し、最終作業日から1年間本サービスが提供されなかった場合は、本契約は自動的に終了するものとします。
11 中途解約・サービスの休止
- ⑴ 会員は、解約予定月の前月末日(日曜、年末年始休業期間を除く)までに申し出ることで契約期間中いつでも本サービスを解約することができ、会員が当社に対し解約を通知した日の翌月末日をもって本契約は終了いたします(クーリングオフ期間は除く)。
例 1月16日に解約を通知した場合 2月28日をもって契約終了になります。 - ⑵ 会員は、休止予定月の前月末日(日曜、年末年始休業期間を除く)までに申し出ることで契約期間中いつでも本サービスを長期休止(1ヶ月以上の休止)できます。会員が当社に長期休止を通知した月の翌月末日をもって休止いたします。
例 1月16日に長期休止を通知 → 2月28日をもって長期休止となります。
⑶ 第1項及び第2項の定めにかかわらず、会員は、解約・休止の通知とともに通知した月の翌月末日までのサービス料金を原則全額お支払いいただくことで、本契約を即時解約・休止させることができます。
⑷ 長期休止(1ヶ月以上の休止)の場合、基本料金はかかりません。ただし原則としてスタッフは変更されます。なお休止期間中を通して基本料金をお支払いいただく場合は、スタッフ変更をしないように手配いたします。
12 解除
① 公序良俗に反する行為、法律、法令等に違反する行為を行ったとき
② 差押え、仮差押え、仮処分、強制執行または競売の申立てを受けたとき
③ 公租公課の滞納処分を受けたとき
④ 支払停止または支払不能の状態に陥ったとき
⑤ 破産手続その他の倒産手続がなされたとき
⑥ 資産、信用または支払能力等に重要な変更が生じたとき
⑦ 当社の名誉または信用を失墜させ、もしくは当社に重大な損害を与えたとき
⑧ 本契約に定める債務を履行しなかったとき
⑨ 本契約に違反したとき
⑩ 本サービスに含まれない作業を要求し、または事実上要求したと同視できる行為をしたとき
⑪ 前各号に定めるほか本契約の履行を困難にする事由が生じた
13 当社への通知
⑴ 会員は、当社スタッフの勤務態度及びサービス内容に疑義があるときは直ちに当社へ通知するものとします。
⑵ 会員が住所又は電話番号を変更、若しくは会員の勤務先に変更等が生じたときは直ちに当社へ通知するものとします。
14 禁止行為
① 当社スタッフに対するセクシャルハラスメント
② 当社スタッフに対するパワーハラスメント
③ 当社スタッフに対する差別的言動
④ 当社スタッフに対し、本サービスに含まれない業務の提供を依頼すること
⑤ 当社スタッフに対し、その連絡先(住所、電話番号等)を聞くこと
⑥ 当社スタッフに対し、本サービスの謝礼として現金、品物等を贈答すること
15 直接取引の禁止
⑴ 会員(同居の家族を含みます)は、本契約期間中及び本契約終了後2年間、当社スタッフ、当社スタッフであった者及び当社スタッフが就業(雇用契約による就業、業務委託契約による就業のほか、その他の形態の契約による就業を含みます)する会社、法人、その他の団体との間で、本サービスと類似するサービスを利用する契約を締結してはならないものとします。
⑵ 会員(同居の家族を含みます)が前項に違反した場合、会員は、当社に対し、違約罰として金50万円を支払うほか、当社に生じた損害を賠償しなければなりません。
16 引き抜き行為の禁止
⑴ 会員は、自己または第三者が本サービスと類似するサービスを提供するため、当社スタッフに対し、自己または第三者での就業を勧める行為(以下「引き抜き行為」といいます)を禁止します。
⑵ 会員が前項に違反した場合、会員は当社に対し違約金として金100万円を支払わなければなりません。
17 秘密保持義務
⑴ 会員は、当社の顧客情報、営業情報、その他の機密情報を、第三者に開示してはならず、また、本サービスの提供を受ける以外の目的で使用してはなりません。
⑵ 会員が、自己または第三者の営業目的で、当社の顧客情報、営業情報、その他の機密情報を使用し、または、第三者に開示した場合、会員は当社に対し違約金として金100万円を支払わなければなりません。
18 個人情報の取扱い
19 反社会的勢力の排除
⑴ 会員は、自己(会員が法人の場合は、代表者、役員、従業員、株主、及び実質的に経営を支配する者含む)が暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団準構成員、暴力団員でなくなったときから5年を経過しない者、暴力団関係企業、総会屋、政治活動・宗教活動社会運動標ぼうゴロ、特殊知能暴力集団等の反社会的勢力(以下「反社会的勢力」といいます)に該当しないことを表明し、かつ将来にわたっても該当しないことを保証します。
⑵ 当社が反社会的勢力に該当するか否かを判定する為に調査を要すると判断した場合、会員は当社の求めに応じてその調査に協力し、当社が必要と判断する資料を提出しなければなりません。
⑶ 当社は、会員が反社会的勢力に属すると判明した場合、催告その他の手続を要することなく、本契約を即時解除することができます。
⑷ 当社が前項の規定により本契約を解除した場合、これによる会員の損害を賠償する責を負いません。
⑸ 当社が第3項の規定により本契約を解除した場合、当社から会員に対する損害賠償請求を妨げません。
20 本規約の改定
の提供 を受けたとき、または、当社がその都度定める期日までに異議を申し出
ないときは、 会員は本規約改定を承諾したものとみなします。
21 協議事項
22 管轄裁判所
1 General
The terms of service (the “Terms of Service”) will set out our policies each customer (“Member”) must follow when using our PINAY HOUSE KEEPING SERVICE (the “Service”) that Pinay International Ltd. (“Company”) makes available, and the terms and conditions of the service agreement between Member and Company. If you do not agree to the Terms of Service, you are not able to use the Service. The Terms of Service shall apply to all the service agreement for the Service between Member and Company (the “Agreement”).
2 Service
(1) The Service is housekeeping services in general (cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, and others) and related services to the foregoing to be performed in Member’s house by a Company’s staff.
(2) Company will make its efforts for Member’s satisfaction, but Company does not guarantee that the Service be perfect for each Member.
(3) Member agrees to allow Company’s staff to use for free utensils and equipment in Member’s house (electricity, gas, water, cleaning tools, laundry machine, cooking utensils and equipment, food, air conditions, and others).
(4) Company may ask Member to deposit keys to the Member’s house (for additional fees) for the Service. In this case Company will keep two keys and issue an acknowledgement of receipt.
- One of the keys will be kept by the assigned staff, and the other will be kept by Company.
- In case of loss, Company shall immediately report to the police, and bear the cost for replacing the affected lock of Member’s house.
- If only one key is deposited, Company may not be able to cope with Member’s request to shift a staff from the assigned one to another during Member’s absence.
(5) The following works are not included in the scope of the Service:
① Work that involves danger to physical safety;
Ex., high-place work at three steps or more of a stepladder, carrying a heavy stuff, use of strong detergent at the place higher than eye height, work getting over edges of a bathtub.
② Driving (including driving a bicycle or other light vehicles);
③ Nursing care and medical treatment (including medication);
④ Special cleaning within the scope of house cleaning;
Ex., cleaning air conditions, cleaning ventilation fans, cleaning with detergent a ceiling of a bathroom.
⑤ Sitter work (baby-sitting, pet sitting (including without limitation, feeding and taking a pet walk), or kids sitting);
⑥ Work that accompanies substantial responsibilities (ex. carrying cash);
⑦ Collecting items no longer of use, collecting trash;
⑧ Such conduct as massage that requires body contact;
⑨ Professional garden cleaning and gardening;
Ex., transplanting flowers, pruning, cleaning a pond
⑩ Treating and cleaning filth including the excrement outside the bathroom or the mess of a pet outside its cage; or
⑪ Other works of which Company does not provide training to its staff.
Ex., sewing, wash shoes, ironing kimono, packing for moving, car wash
(6) For training or coordination purposes Company’s employees may accompany its staff to Member’s house in the course of the Service.
(7) If Member has a pet, please keep the pet during the cleaning work in a cage or in a room outside the work area. If this request is not observed, the staff may not enter the room for cleaning. Company is in no way responsible for any damage to furniture or the room due to the mess from the pet. Member will be responsible for any damage that any of Company, Company’s staff or employee may suffer due to the pet.
3 Service Fee
(1) The fees for the Service (the “Service Fee”) are as follows:
① Basic fee
Basic fee is fixed on a monthly basis.
Estimate: an example case three (3) hours of work, Monday through Friday
Frequency |
Hourly rate (yen) |
Monthly Fee (3 hours per day) |
Per occasion |
Once a week |
4,070 |
56,760 |
13,200 |
Twice a week |
4,070 |
113,520 |
13,200 |
Three times a week |
4,070 |
170,280 |
13,200 |
Four times a week |
4,070 |
216,480 |
13,200 |
Five times a week |
4,070 |
270,600 |
13,200 |
Six times a week |
Please consult with Company |
One-time spot |
4,950 |
— |
15,840 |
* The basic fee is leveled by calculating the fee as 4.3 weeks a month for the frequency of 1 to 3 times per week (52 weeks a year), 4.1 weeks a month for the frequency of 4 times or more per week (49 weeks a year).
* The above fee schedule is calculated with 10 percent (as of October 1st, 2019) consumption tax. If the tax rate changes, the fee will be changed accordingly.
* The Service will be performed on Saturdays and national holidays except the end of the year and new year holidays. No Service on Sundays.
* The basic fee will not be changed for Members who uses the Service 4 times or more per week and who entered into the Agreement in or prior to December 2018.
② Transportation fee
Member shall pay flat rate 990 yen per service (no tax) to Company as transportation expenses of Company’s staff.
③ Overtime fee (applicable from 8:00 pm to 9:00 am of the next day)
If the Service is performed early in the morning or at night, twenty five (25) % overtime fee to each basic hourly rate will be charged.
④ Saturday additional fee
If the Service is performed on Saturday, 330 yen per hour will be added to the applicable basic fee hourly rate. *No additional fee for national holidays.
⑤ Extended hour fee
If the time for the Service being performed exceeds the hours stipulated under the Agreement, extended hour fee will be charged every 15 minutes according to each hourly rate, provided that Company may decline the extension depending on schedules of its staffs.
⑥ Fee for purchasing goods necessary for the Service
It is Member’s responsibility to purchase goods necessary for the Service. If Company’s staff is required to purchase such goods for Member on a temporary basis as cleaning goods, regardless the actual time needed, 30 minutes extended hour fee will be charged because such service is performed outside the ambit of the agreed hours.
(2) Invoices for the Service will be issued to Member as follows:
① Company will calculate the fixed monthly basic fee at the time of executing the Agreement. Company will issue an invoice one month prior to the Service to be performed (if the Agreement is executed at the end of a month, Company will issue an invoice by the fifth business day of the following month).
② The first invoice will include the basic fee for the month in which the Agreement was executed and the basic fee for the following month.
③ The additional fees stipulated in Article 3(1) ③ through ⑥ will be included in the balance of the invoice for the following month.
* For Members who entered into the Agreement in or prior to December 2018, invoicing schedule remains the same as the 5th business day of the following month of the Service having been performed.
(3) Member shall pay the Service Fee by the due date stipulated in the Agreement.
(4) In the event Member fails to pay the service fees by the specified due date in this agreement, Company will suspend the provision of the service until the day the service fee is paid or until the day before the termination of the main contract according to the following clause. Please note that the service fees will continue to accrue and there will be no reduction even if the service is suspended. Once the payment of the service fees is confirmed, Company will resume the provision of this service, but there may be changes to the staff and schedule.
(5) In the event Member fails to pay the service fees even after one month has passed from the due date, the contract will be automatically terminate.
(6) The payment manner of the Service Fee shall be by a credit card. Member must register its credit card information before the start of the Service. Company may not start the Service until and unless Company confirms that the credit card information is properly registered.
(7) Not withstanding the previous paragraph, if approved by Company, Member may choose an automatic withdrawal from the designated bank account or payment by a bank transfer (in this case Member will bear the bank charge) to pay the Service Fee.
(8) If the payment manner stipulated in the Agreement is an automatic withdrawal and a withdrawal turns out to be unsuccessful, Member shall pay the Service Fee by a bank transfer to the bank account designated by Company within three (3) business days after the relevant due date.
(9) If the member fails to pay the service fees by the specified payment date in this agreement, in addition to the unpaid service fees, Member shall pay to Company a late payment penalty of 10% per annum.
(10) During the contract period, Company may revise the service fees within a reasonable range due to change or repeal of any relevant laws or regulations, fluctuations in economic conditions, and increases or decreases in public charges and taxes. In the event of a revision of the service fees, Company will inform Member in advance of the revised service fees and the effective date of the revision through the Company’s website or other means of communication.
4 Cancel/Rescheduling
(1) Member shall notify Company by 17:00 two days (excluding Sundays and new year holidays) before a scheduled day that Member wishes to cancel the Service for that day. In this case, although the basic fee will not be reduced, Member is entitled to receive a make-up Service pursuant to Article 5.
* If hours for the Service is shortened due to Member’s convenience, there will be no make-up Service.
* Unless Member notify Company of cancellation, Company’s staff will perform the Service on national holidays.
(2) If Member makes cancellation after 17:00 two days (excluding Sundays and new year holidays) before a scheduled day, Member is not entitled to receive a make-up Service pursuant to Article 5, nor the basic fee will be reduced.
(3) If Company’s staff is unable to start the Service in Member’s house after 30 minutes have passed on a scheduled day and time due to a cause attributable to Member such as Member not being at home, the same stipulation in Article 4(2) applies.
(4) If the Service is not performed due to a cause attributable to Company (such as unscheduled absence of its staff), there will be no Service Fee for hours for which the Service was not performed (hours without the Service multiples by hourly rate). In this case, the said amount shall be deducted from the basic fee. Such deduction shall be reflected in the next invoice. Member is not entitled to receive a make-up Service pursuant to Article 5.
(5) If the Service is not performed due to a cause beyond control of Company such as earthquakes, fires, typhoons, epidemics, or traffic disturbance, although the basic fee will not be reduced, Member is entitled to receive a make-up Service pursuant to Article 5.
* For Member who uses the Service 4 times a week or more, because such Member is NOT entitled to receive a make-up Service, Article 4(4) applies to such Member.
5 Make-Up Service
(1) If Article 4(1) or Article 4(5) is operative, Company shall grant to Member a right to receive a make-up Service on an alternative date and time for hours for which the Service was supposed to be performed, provided, however, that the make-up Service will be performed by a staff different from the regularly assigned one.
(2) In exercising its right to a make-up Service, Member shall coordinate the schedule with Company. Member may not exercise its right to a make-up Service during the period for which Member suspends its use of the Service.
(3) Member’s right to receive a make-up Service shall be effective for six (6) months including the month in which the right was granted.
Ex., Cancellation on January 10th effective until June 30th
Cancellation on January 25th effective until June 30th
(4) If scheduling for a make-up Service fails by the end of the effective period, the right ceases to be effective. Even if the right ceases to be effective, Company is not obligated to make any compensation to Member holding such right.
(5) The right to receive a make-up Service will not be granted to Member who uses the Service four (4) times or more per week.* For fee calculation purpose, the number of weeks per year is discounted from 52 to 49 in levering the monthly basic fee.
(6) If Member receives a make-up Service on Saturday, Saturday additional fee as stipulated in Article 3(1)④ will be charged (additional flat rate 330 yen per hour).
6 Valuables
It is Member’s responsibility to not leave open in his/her rooms and keep in a locked storage all valuables (including without limitation, cash, cash equivalent, bank statements, gift certificates, cash cards, health insurance cards, driver’s licenses, passports, jewelries, receipts, personal seals (or “hankos”), and negotiable securities).
7 Liquidated Damage
If Member suffers damage in the course of the Service being performed due to causes attributable to Company or its staff, Company shall pay such damage within the coverage of insurance that Company obtains, provided that Company shall be liable for damage caused by any willful or grossly negligent conduct of Company or its staff. Member is encouraged to notify Company of the incident within three days from occurrence of such incident, as Company may not be able to appropriately deal with the situation without such notice.
8 Limitation of the Service
Member shall notify Company in advance if Member or anyone of his/her family members suffers from any infectious disease. In this event Company may at its sole judgement withhold rendering the Service.
9 Change of the Scope of the Service
In case Member wishes to change the scope of the Service he/she receives, Member shall notify Company of such request (if notice is given on Sunday, it shall be deemed that notice is given on the next business day). If such notice is received on or before 15th day of a month, Member and Company shall consult and agree to change the scope of the Service, which will be applicable from 1st day of the next month. If such notice is received on or after 16th day of a month, the changed scope will be applicable from 1st day of the month after next.
10 Term
(1) The term of the Agreement shall be one year from the effective date.
(2) The term of the Agreement shall be extended for one year if either Member or Company makes no manifestation of its will to terminate one month prior to the expiration of the Agreement. The same shall apply to the following renewed terms. Provided, however, that the Agreement shall automatically terminate if one year has elapsed without the Service being performed from the last day of the Service rendered.
11 Termination/Suspension By Member
(1) Member may terminate the Agreement at any time during the term of the Agreement by giving notice to Company by the end of a month (excluding Sundays and new year holidays) prior to the month from which Member wishes to terminate. The Agreement will be terminated at the end of the following month of the date on which Member gives notice to Company (except termination during the cooling-off term).
Ex., Notice sent on January 16th, the Agreement terminates on February 28th.
(2) Member may suspend the use the Service at any time during the term of the Agreement by giving notice to Company by the end of a month (excluding Sundays and new year holidays) prior to the month from which Member wishes to suspend (long-term suspension means suspension for a month or more.) The Service will be suspended at the end of the following month after Member has given notice to Company of long-term suspension.
Ex., Notice sent on January 16th, the Service will be suspended on February 28th.
(3) Notwithstanding Article 11(1) and 11(2), Member may terminate the Agreement or suspend the use of the Service with immediate effect if he/she gives notice and pays all the Service Fee for the period until the end of the following month.
(4) During the long-term suspension, no basic fee will be charged, although the assigned staff may be replaced to a different staff. If Member chooses to pay the basic fee even during the long-term suspension, Company will keep the assigned staff.
12 Termination by Company
Company may terminate the Agreement immediately without notice if any of the following is observed on the part of Member. In this event, all the obligations will become due and payable, and Member shall perform all the obligations accrued.
① Member has done any act against public policy or any act in violation of any laws or regulations;
② Filing was made against Member for attachment, provisional attachment, provisional disposition, enforcement, or foreclosure sale;
③ Coercive collection for tax has occurred against Member;
④ Member has suspended payments or has become insolvent;
⑤ Filing was made against Member for bankruptcy or any similar proceedings;
⑥ Material change has occurred in Members assets, credit, or ability to make payments;
⑦ Member has hurt Company’s reputation or credit, or does material harm to Company;
⑧ Member failed to perform any of his/her obligations under the Agreement;
⑨ Member has violated any provision of the Agreement;
⑩ Member requested any work beyond the scope of the Service; or Member acted as if Member requested any work beyond the scope of the Service; or
⑪ In addition to the foregoing any situation has arisen that made it difficult to perform obligations under the Agreement.
13 Notice
(1) Member shall notify Company of any doubt or complaint regarding working attitude of Company’s staff or the Service itself.
(2) Member shall immediately notify Company of any change of his/her address, phone number, or the place of his/her work.
14 Prohibited Behavior
Member is prohibited from doing any of the following:
① Sexual harassment against Company’s staff;
② Power harassment against Company’s staff;
③ Any discriminately behavior against Company’s staff;
④ Asking Company’s staff to do services not within the scope of the Service;
⑤ Asking Company’s staff’s contact (address, phone number and so on); or
⑥ Providing Company’s staff with cash or gifts as gratuity.
15 No Direct Dealing
(1) Member (including his/her family member who lives with Member) shall not, during and two years after the term of the Agreement, enter into a similar service agreement with any of Company’s staffs, Company’s ex-staffs, any company or other entity, group or any individual that hires Company’s staffs (regardless of the type of contract including employment, service contract, or others).
(2) If Member (including his/her family member who lives with Member) is in violation of Article 15(1), Member shall be liable for damages Company may suffer from the direct dealing in addition to payment in the amount of 500,000 yen as a penalty for violation.
16 No Solicitation
(1) Member shall not solicit Company’s staffs to work for him/her or any third party to operate housekeeping services similar to the Service.
(2) If Member is in violation of Article 16(1), Member shall pay to Company one million (1,000,000) yen as liquidated damage.
17 Confidentiality
(1) Member shall keep in confidence and not disclose Company’s confidential information including customer lists, business information and others (the “Confidential Information”), and shall not use the Confidential Information for any purpose other than using the Service.
(2) If Member uses or discloses to any third party the Confidential Information for his/her own or any third party’s business, Member shall pay to Company one million (1,000,000) yen as liquidated damage.
18 Personal Information
Company shall treat Member’s personal information in its custody appropriately in accordance with Personal Information Protection Act, its Rules, and Company’s Privacy Policy. Company’s Privacy Policy is available at https://pinay.jp/en/privacy/
19 Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces
(1) Member shall represent and warrant that Member (if Member is a legal entity, including its representatives, directors and auditors, employees, shareholders, or de-facto directors who control the legal entity) does not, and will not fall into any of the following: an organized crime group (or “Boryokudan”), a member or an associate member of an organized crime group, a related company or association of an organized crime group, a person for whom five (5) years have not yet elapsed since he/she ceased being a member of an organized crime group, a related company or association of an organized crime group, a professional racketeer at stockholder’s meetings (or “Sokaiya”), an anti-social group in the guise of political, religious, or social movements or an organized crime group specializing in specific intelligent crimes, or any other equivalent of the forgoing (“Anti-Social Forces” or “ASF”);
(2) If Company, to its own judgement, believes it necessary to investigate whether Member may fall into any of AFS, Member shall cooperate and provide Company with information and materials as per requested by Company.
(3) If Company determines that Member is any of AFS, Company may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect without prior notice or any other process.
(4) If the Agreement terminates pursuant to Article 19(3), Company shall not be held liable for Member’s damages caused by such termination.
(5) Company is not barred to claim against Member for damages Company may suffer due to termination pursuant to Article 19(3).
20 Modification of the Terms of Service
Company may modify any provision of the Terms of Service due to any change of any relevant laws or regulations, change in economic environments, or for other reasons Company determines necessary. If any part of the Terms of Service is to be modified, Company shall give notice to Member that the Terms of Service is to be modified, the provisions to be modified, and the effective date one month prior to the date from which the modification becomes effective. Member shall be deemed to agree the modification of the Terms of Service if Member receives the Service after the effective date of the modification or Member does not object to the modification within a period Company designates.
21 Consultation
For matters not stipulated in the Terms of Service, or any ambiguity in interpretation of the Terms of Service, Member and Company will consult each other and resolve the matters.
22 Jurisdiction and Venue
The parties hereto agree to refer any dispute arising out of the Agreement to exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Small Claim Court of Japan, depending on the economic value of claims.
Revised on July 1st 2023