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About Minato City Pre/Postnatal Housekeeping Support Service About Minato City Pre/Postnatal Housekeeping Support Service

About Minato City
Pre/Postnatal Housekeeping Support Service

For program details,
visit Minato City website


This program provides partial subsidies from Minato City for housekeeping services or postpartum doula support for households with pregnant women or children under three years old residing in Minato City.
Pinay Housekeeping Service is a registered service provider for Minato City.

Eligible Households & Usage Limit

Service Period Usage Limit
During pregnancy until the day before child's first birthday: 128 hours (including 30 hours of postpartum doula support)
Until the day before child's second birthday: 48 hours
Until the day before child's third birthday: 48 hours

Service Details

Services Included: Daily meal preparation,General household cleaning and organizing,Laundry,Shopping (typically after arriving at your home),Accompaniment to medical checkups
Services Not Included: Transportation/escort services,Special occasion cooking,Deep cleaning, Non-routine cleaning (mold removal, drain cleaning, ventilation fan cleaning, screen doors, exterior cleaning, air conditioner/light fixture cleaning, window washing, floor waxing, etc.) Garden maintenance,Pet care,Guest reception,Furniture/appliance moving or repairs,Moving assistance

Service Fees

Single Pregnancy Households

*All prices include tax and transportation

Visit Duration 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours Cancellation Fee
Service Fee ¥1,500 ¥2,250 ¥3,000 ¥2,475
(per hour)
Visit Duration

Visit Duration:2 hours ¥1,500
Visit Duration:3 hours ¥2,250
Visit Duration:4 hours ¥3,000
Cancellation Fee ¥2,475
(per hour)

Multiple Pregnancy Households

*All prices include tax and transportation

Visit Duration 2 hours 3 hours 4 hours Cancellation Fee
Service Fee ¥1,100 ¥1,500 ¥2,000 ¥2,475
(per hour)
Visit Duration

Visit Duration:2 hours ¥1,100
Visit Duration:3 hours ¥1,500
Visit Duration:4 hours ¥2,000
Cancellation Fee ¥2,475
(per hour)

*Cannot be combined with other campaigns

How to Use

Apply at the Minato City Child and Family Support Center

Electronic application available via LINE!
Please check Minato City website for details.
Pinay can assist with registration - please feel free to contact us!


Contact Pinay

We will discuss your needs and guide you through the available service options.

Get Amazon Gift Cards Now!
Special Campaign in Progress! (Limited until end of March)

① Regular Service Campaign

 Regular Service Campaign

Receive a ¥5,000 Amazon gift card with regular contract!

Regular use of housekeeping services helps you experience greater reduction in household work burden.
Receive a ¥5,000 Amazon gift card when you sign up for regular service using Minato City Pre/Postnatal Support Service (minimum commitment of 24 hours).

*Limited to one gift card per household
*Amazon gift card will be provided the month following the start of regular service
*Cannot be combined with other campaigns (except Minato City Referral Campaign below)

② Referral Campaign


Receive ¥1,000 Amazon gift cards each when your friend uses our service!

When your referred friend uses Pinay Housekeeping Service through Minato City Pre/Postnatal Support Service for the first time, both you and your friend will receive ¥1,000 Amazon gift cards.

With a 2-hour service fee of ¥1,500 (tax included), the first use effectively costs only \500! Please share this program with your parent friends who may not know about it.

●How to Participate
①Share this page with your friends
LINElogo Share this page via LINE ②Have your friend enter your name in the "Referrer Name" field of the inquiry form at the bottom of this page

*No limit on number of referrals
*Amazon gift cards will be provided the month following your friend's service use
*Cannot be combined with other campaigns (except Minato City Regular Service Campaign above)
*Referrals of previous Pinay Housekeeping Service users are not eligible


Consultation & Application Form



Contact Us About Our Housekeeping Service

Phone Support


※For Current Customers


Hours: 9:00-18:00(Closed weekends, holidays & New Year's)

5-minute Email Inquiry