According to the state of emergency by Prime Minister of Japan on July 8, we would like to announce our policies and special arrangements of our service.



We have been providing the service to our clients consistently during the spread of corona virus as we are highly determined that our service is a necessary life-line infrastructure in which we can be committed to maintaining living standard of our clients.



We will continue to provide services to clients who wish.


■ Arrangements for Our Service Period: July 19. to August 22, 2021 (This may be changed according to circumstances.)


・The schedules will come into operation as normal.

・If service suspension or cancellation is due to the virus infection, we will accept the request immediately.

・Please consider that our housekeepers may arrive late due to decrease in the number of railway and bus operations.

・We will consider extending the make up service postponement.



Thank you very much for your cooperation and support.